Sell Without Fear or Anxiety

I want to help you confidently sell without fear or anxiety so that you can live your best life.

I know that selling can bring up so many blocks for entrepreneurs. It’s a minefield right?!

But know this: your ability to close business is NOT a literal translation of your value as a human being.

Sales is just sales.

It’s not evil or manipulative to make a significant living from your business – not only to put food on the table for your family, but also to have enough money to live an extraordinary life. 

Remember, there’s no secret magic to sales!

Try this affirmation: “It’s safe for me to be good at sales”.

You Can Be Good At Sales + Be A Good Human Being!

Here’s my easy – and relatively painless – method for grounding before a sales call. It sounds really woo-woo, but it works.

I put my hand on my heart and ask myself, “What do you need right now?”

That’s it. Simple and easy.

Sometimes my body tells me that it needs a drink of water and I realized that I have a full glass of water right in front of me! 

I hear entrepreneurs at all stages of business say this:

“I don’t want to be annoying.”

“What if they think I am being pushy?”

“I’m just not a salesperson.”

Don’t listen to that negative voice. Put bluntly, you’re listening to the voice of past trauma and it doesn’t serve you anymore.

This is a mindset problem NOT an experience problem.

Get your sales process right

It has to feel right energetically. 

Try the exercise and see what answer you get. It might amaze you. Do it now – just put your hand on your heart and ask yourself “What do you need right now?”

It doesn’t have to be a big thing. You don’t have to meditate first (unless you want to).

Write down what you get. It’s a great first step and nothing is set in stone.

It’s your time and you’re ready for the next step,

Jaime Rowe

PS: If you missed my new free Confident Feminine Sales Roadmap, then grab it here.