Rewriting Your Story

Now that we have released old sales stories and are ready to write new ones, let’s get started! If you need to backup and release old sales stories then see this post before you start this exercise. 

Why do we release old stories before writing new ones?

It’s kind of like cleaning out your closet. If your closet is full of clothes you don’t wear, then you don’t have room for new clothes. It’s time to take out all of the clothes you haven’t worn in years, the shirts and pants that don’t fit anymore, or they don’t connect to your current identity. Time to make room for something better and more updated to who you are today. As the words of Marie Kondo, “Does this spark joy for me?” If it’s not yes, then we are done with it. Buh-bye.  

The mindset that got you here won’t get you there. 

Rewrite Your New Sales Story Exercise

This exercise unleashes your potential for greatness. I tie this exercise to sales but it can apply to many other areas in your life. Spoiler Alert: This isn’t going to be a surprise for many but I teach transformation under the guise of sales. When you start this process, you will see subtle changes in your life that pour over into your relationships, career, and money. I’ve seen so many women sabotage their lives with self-limiting beliefs created from old stories that hurt them time and time again. They are trying their best and sometimes you just need to get in that closet and clean house. Now on to the exercise…

  1. Go back to your old story’s timeline, take a look at the themes, patterns, and beliefs created from those events. 
  2. For each belief on your list, ask yourself these 5 Challenging Questions: 
    1. What is the evidence that this is true?
    2. How can I be sure this belief is true?
    3. Why is it that this belief is true?
    4.  Why do I need to continue to believe that this belief is true?
    5. How is this belief improving my life?
  3. This powerful process of questioning self-limiting beliefs is an eye-opening process. 
  4. Time to create new beliefs that serve you. For each belief, ask yourself, “What new belief could I have that sparks joy, peace, or even excitement?”
  5. When you believe this new belief, how would that affect your life and sales right now? 
  6. Let your new story about sales and your life flow out of you now. You can start by writing, “I release my old story and belief, I’m now willing to believe that…”

Do you feel a sense of relief right now? Your vibration is shifting and you are elevating your consciousness in ways you might have not imagined in the past. Keep going. You got this!


Not sure about you but I like examples. Here is an example of the 5 Challenging Questions with the self-limiting belief “Good Things Never Happen To Me”

BELIEF: Good Things Never Happen To Me.

  1. Where is the evidence that good things never happen to me? Or What is the evidence that this is true?
  2. How can I be sure that good things never happen to me? How can I be sure this belief is true?
  3. Why is it that good things never happen to me? What is it that this belief is true?
  4. Why do I need to continue to believe that good things never happen to me? Why do I need to continue to believe that this belief is true?
  5. How is this belief improving my life?

Work With Me to Release Sales Blocks and Reframe Your Sales Mindset

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