Pssst. I know why sales is a struggle for you—and it’s probably not what you think.

You’re a heart-centered entrepreneur who values people and relationships. 

You want to help people, not feel like you’re tricking them into buying and paying as much as possible. You’ve tried the aggressive approach and it didn’t work for you. 

Or maybe it worked, but it just didn’t feel right.

it’s no wonder these tactics seem yucky and inauthentic to you—they are! 

If you’re nodding your head, you’re in the right place. And you have a HUGE advantage when it comes to sales. 

The best sales people are NOT:

❌ Sleazy used car salesmen types with slicked-back hair

❌ Big talkers who always say the “right” thing

❌ Manipulative or hyper-aggressive

The best sales people ARE:

🙌 Good listeners who are interested in building relationships

🙌 Able to empathize and connect with people on a real, human level

🙌 Honest, problem solvers who care about their customer’s outcome

Sales Success Stories




“Within our first week together I was able to book TWO packages using the skills we discussed! That’s $2,400! Talk about instant return on investment.”


Dr. Bethany Waller

Bethany Waller




 “I created a premium package and have sold two of the 2k middle-tier ones in one week!”


– Georgia Grey, Whole Body Healing Nutrition

You don’t need to change who you are to be great at sales...

You just need to tap into your intuition, put systems into place, and believe in yourself!

That's where the Light It Up Accelerator Comes in...

What if instead of…

❌  Frustrated that you’ll never figure out a magic sales formula that works

❌ Uncomfortable and awkward about asking people to buy.

❌ Stressed out and desperate because if don’t close the sale, you’re afraid your business will tank.

You could feel….

✨ The ease you feel when you’re chatting with a friend about something you love

✨ Confident that your authentic words will be “right”

✨ Comfortable with your process (because you know it works!)

✨ Completely surrounded by other high-vibe business owners rooting for your success

✨ Like you’re just being yourself!


💎 Make $5,000 in 8 weeks and set yourself up to make so much more! Our first priority is helping you get and exceed a return on your investment.

💎 Learn a proven system to help you feel confident (and authentic!) in your sales calls.

💎 You’ll create consistent results time and time again by developing new habits that will transform your life and your sales results.

💎 Weekly private coaching call with Jaime on the foundation of your sales strategy and Becky on emotional regulation and mindset of sales. That’s two experienced business coaches in your pocket for 8 whole weeks!

💎 Private community for 24/7 support – We’ll lift you up on your down days and jump for joy with you when you reach new levels of success!


VIP Money Mindset Tools Library: Access to VIP tools that will help you kiss those money mindset issues boo-bye once and for all!

Close With Confidence™ Course: Full access to Jaime’s signature course to help you exceed your sales goals — even if you think you hate sales.

Success Systems

Close the Gap™ Formula

Get clarity on where are you today compared to where you want to be. 

You’ll be amazed at the results and so proud when you see how far you’ve come

Pretty Accountability™ System

Feel encouraged and supported by like-minded women that are in the same place and motivated to uplevel with small shifts that make a major impact!

Money Generating Activities (MGAs)

Get clear and focused on the activities you do each week that generate income. And celebrate every win along the way!

Meet the Light It Up Accelerater Coaches

Master Sales Coach that activates your inner Sales Maven with practical step-by-step solutions that supercharge your sales and impact. She takes your sales from chaos to pure confidence aligned to your truth and purpose. She loves working with creative thinkers who need a system and structure to make sales feel seamless. Her favorite part of business is showing women that when they stop selling themselves short and put themselves first, results happen.

She teaches impact-driven businesswomen a sales structure that allows them to clarify their strengths, communicate their value, and confidently close more sales.

After owning six businesses, buying and selling a business, and taking one business from scratch to 1M in sales in 26 months, she knows how to ignite your purpose and push past limiting beliefs with proven strategies that nourish you and your soul. 

Sales and Marketing Love Coach who teaches you how to love the art of sales and hit your 1st 6-figures and beyond. She is on a mission to show business owners how emotional regulation techniques paired with a customized sales strategy are the most effective ways.

She is a personal development expert with over 30 years of professional training, long-term experience, and life-changing battles that make her the fiercely focused coach that she is today.

As a Money Mindset Expert and Certified Life Coach, it is her mission to share tools and strategies that have helped hundreds of participants in her transformational workshops over the years. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I’m no good at sales?

So many people think that when they start working with us! And they almost always end up being our best students.

Sales, like everything else, can be learned. 

If you feel like you’re “no good” at it, that just means we need to dig a little deeper to uncover what’s making you feel so uncomfortable. That’s a big part of the program. 

When you finish the 8 weeks, you will never utter those words again.

Why work in a group?

First of all, you’ve got a built-in support system when you’re in a group program. You’ll be surrounded by supportive women who understand what you’re going through and are cheering you on. 

You’ll learn from each other. Sometimes it can be really hard to see your own blockages, but you can see others’ so clearly. This is especially true with mindset work! 

When can I enroll?

Registration is open NOW! Enroll when you’re ready and stick around for 8 weeks. Then, if you need more time after that, let’s chat! (Many people love this program so much, they decide to do a second round.

How much is this going to cost me?

$5,000 paid in full.

And if you show up, do the work, and take our advice you’ll make that back lickety-split.

Can I plan to do it later?

Of course. But we can’t guarantee that the program will be structured this way when you’re ready. Besides, a year from now, you’ll wish you’d started today.