Tania Vasallo

EP 40: Top Money Blocks For Women With Tania Vasallo

Tania Vasallo is the founder of “The Courage To Be Happy” a community of independent, spiritual, women entrepreneurs who want to learn about money, so that they DON’T DEPEND on anyone else financially. Since the launch of her business, with a baby in hand and working only 20 hours per week, she was able to reach a 6-figure revenue by her 4th year.

Born to a Spanish father, an American mother and raised in Spain at the end of a dictatorship, she was constantly in search of freedom.

Tania is on a mission to support and teach all independent women entrepreneurs the mindset, tools and strategies to grow their money from an easy, practical and spiritual perspective. This way they can break away from financial dependence and instead create an empowered life of freedom.

Tania and her family currently make their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. When she isn’t busy helping her clients be their best selves, Tania enjoys reading, traveling, exploring nature and experiencing all of the adventures life has to offer.

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