How to Talk About What You Do as a Wellness Coach and Attract Your Dream Clients

Let’s talk about one of the biggest struggles I see wellness pros face: how to talk about what you do without feeling like you’re fumbling for words—or worse, coming off as too salesy. Sound familiar?

You’re not alone. So many amazing coaches feel stuck when it comes to explaining their services in a way that feels clear, confident, and compelling. The good news? You can learn how to nail your wellness coach messaging and attract your dream clients without feeling awkward or pushy. And I’m here to show you how!

Ready to create messaging that flows naturally and gets your clients excited to work with you? Let’s dive in!

1. Start with Your Why: What Drives You to Do What You Do?

Before we even get into the nitty-gritty of crafting your messaging, let’s take a step back and talk about your why. Why did you become a wellness coach in the first place? What lights you up about this work?

People are drawn to passion. When you talk about your services from a place of genuine excitement and purpose, it’s contagious! Your ideal clients will feel your energy and connect with you on a deeper level.

  • Ask yourself: What do I love most about coaching? Is it helping people feel more confident in their bodies? Is it guiding clients to reduce stress and find balance in their busy lives? Whatever it is, let that shine through in your messaging.
  • Example: “I became a wellness coach because I love helping busy women prioritize self-care, so they can feel energized and confident in their daily lives.”

2. Speak to the Transformation, Not Just the Service

When you’re talking about what you do, it’s easy to get caught up in listing the features of your service (how many sessions, the tools you use, etc.). But here’s the thing—your clients aren’t looking to buy a set number of sessions. They’re looking to buy a transformation.

People want to know, “What’s in it for me?” So, instead of focusing on the what (the technical details of your service), focus on the why and the how it’s going to change their life.

  • Focus on outcomes: What will your clients achieve by working with you? Will they feel more energized? Reduce stress? Gain confidence? Lead with those results!
  • Example: “I help women struggling with stress create a sustainable self-care routine so they can feel more balanced and in control of their wellness.”

3. Craft Your Wellness Business Elevator Pitch

You know those moments when someone asks you, “So, what do you do?” and your brain scrambles to find the right words? Let’s avoid that with a simple, go-to wellness business elevator pitch.

Your elevator pitch is a quick, clear way to explain what you do and how you help people in a few sentences. It should feel natural, like something you’d say in a casual conversation—not like a rehearsed script.

  • Use this framework:

    1. Who you help: Identify your ideal client.
    2. What problem you solve: What’s the main issue they’re facing?
    3. How you solve it: What’s your process or approach?
    4. The outcome: What result can they expect after working with you?
  • Example: “I help busy professionals manage stress through personalized wellness coaching, so they can feel more energized and maintain balance in their lives.”

Boom! You’ve just created a clear, confident message that tells people exactly what you do—without any fluff or confusion.

4. Use Client-Attracting Messaging That Feels Authentic

Now that you have your elevator pitch, it’s time to go deeper with client-attracting messaging that really speaks to your ideal audience. The key is to use language that feels genuine to you and resonates with your clients.

  • Focus on their pain points and desires. What are your ideal clients struggling with? What do they want more of in their life? Address their challenges and show them that you understand what they’re going through.

  • Example: “I know how overwhelming it can feel to try and balance work, family, and your own health. That’s why I offer wellness coaching that’s tailored to your lifestyle, helping you create sustainable habits that bring more peace and energy into your life.”

  • Speak like you’re talking to a friend. This is where the “mentor-next-door” voice comes in handy! Keep it real, approachable, and friendly—just like you’d talk to a friend over coffee.

5. Use Templates and Frameworks to Make It Easier

If you’re still feeling stuck, don’t worry! Here’s a simple template to help you get started with your messaging. Customize it to fit your style and business:

  • [I help] busy professionals
  • [Do/achieve/overcome] manage their stress and build healthier habits
  • [So they can] feel more energized and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Another example:

  • [I help] overwhelmed moms
  • [Do/achieve/overcome] create simple self-care routines
  • [So they can] take better care of themselves while juggling family and work.

Try it out and adjust the wording to make it feel natural for you!

Own What You Do With Confidence

Talking about your wellness coaching services doesn’t have to feel awkward or complicated. When you lead with your passion, focus on the transformation you provide, and use clear, authentic language, you’ll naturally attract your dream clients—no hard sell required!

Remember, it’s not about being perfect or having the “right” words. It’s about being genuine, showing people how you can help them, and speaking from the heart. When you do that, your ideal clients will hear you loud and clear.

So go ahead—practice your new messaging, own your brilliance, and watch those dream clients roll in!

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