You’re Allowed To Be Successful

Yes beautiful, you are allowed to be successful!
Even if it’s easy for you.
Not only are you allowed to charge what you’re worth and confidently close more business, you’re also allowed to be super successful and fulfilled!
I’ve seen too many women subconsciously hold back being successful because of the fear of judgment, haters and the people that get their kicks off of dimming someone else’s light.
Have you heard these phrases before and did they make you shudder?
- Look at that ambitious b*$^%th! Who does she think she is?
- What a selfish woman! Driving that fancy, indulge car like she is a movie star.
- How shameful of her to spend so much money on clothes and personal care!
These people suck. If you have someone in your life like this, then limit your time with them or kick them to the curb. You don’t need people like this in your life.
When I went through a major life transformation, I had to let go of an entire friend group and set strong and clear boundaries with several family members. It was a lonely period of time and difficult but one of the best actions I ever took. It made room for some of the most special people in my life today!
I invite you to reflect on the people in your life. Are they cheering you on in your efforts to be better and support you in moving past your self-limiting beliefs or are they dragging you down the dark hole they live in (misery loves company!)?
You are better without them, my love. We must toss (or donate) the clothes that no longer fit us in the closet so we have room for new clothes to come into our lives that make our hearts sing. La La!
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